PC: Assassin's Creed rogue Save game download 100% completed


Rogue’s greatest strength is its central character – Shay Patrick Cormac – and his journey from dutiful Assassin to vengeful Templar. Most of the trailers surrounding Rogue have portrayed Shay as a cold-blooded killer, but that’s in no way accurate; his story is nuanced, and the narrative is patiently unfolded. You play the first third or so of Rogue as an Assassin, which lets you forge relationships with those you will later hunt. There’s a good chunk of the 14-hour campaign where Shay doesn’t have any clear allegiances, and even then, he never really descends into brutal killer territory. 

Save Game Location

C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames/123

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